Keypro blog

Career story - Jesse

Skrevet af Keypro | 29-05-2024 06:07:15

Tell us about yourself and why you wanted to join Keypro?

I have always been interested in different technologies and liked figuring out how different things functioned and worked. Because of this I decided to study information and communications technology.

I was introduced to Keypro when I applied for a 6-month software development recruitment training program. Keypro was willing to take me in for that duration and train me. By the end of the program, I was offered the position of a full-time software developer and decided to accept the offer based on the good experience I had gotten during my training.

Tell us about your normal workday?

My usual workday primarily consists of developing new features and improving or troubleshooting existing ones. As a part of the frontend team, my tasks revolve around enhancing user experience, ensuring that the interfaces are intuitive, responsive and accessible.

How do you relax in your free time?

In my free time, I immerse myself in music which helps me unwind and recharge. I also like to play computer games and spend time chatting with friends.

What is the best thing about Keypro?

I especially enjoy the wide variety of tasks that Keypro can offer related to development. There’s always something new to learn, which keeps my daily work exciting. Also, the company’s flexible work hours and the option to work remotely are very nice.

Who would you like to send greetings?

I would like to send greetings to all my colleagues that I have worked with so far and to those who trained me for this job. Not to forget the people who organized the recruitment training program. Thanks to all who gave lessons during that!